IGNOU Percentage Calculator (June & December)


IGNOU Percentage Calculator (June & December) – Candidates can calculate their percentage after getting complete results and a grade card from IGNOU University. The percentage is calculated on the basis of Theory Examination and Assignment Marks. Both are compulsory in IGNOU to complete your program and become eligible to earn a degree certificate from the university.

If a student has appeared in all examinations and got their complete IGNOU Grade Card or Result online from University then they can proceed to calculate their percentage by the below formula. Our instructions and guidelines will help you to find the exact percentage you achieved in your examination.

IGNOU percentage is calculated on the basis of Assignment marks and Theory marks obtained in the Term End Exam. Generally, the method is applicable for almost all courses offered by IGNOU.

Assignments (30% weighted): Candidates have to compulsory submit their IGNOU Assignment to the coordinator of the study center every semester or year.

Also Check – IGNOU Assignment 2023

Term End Examination (70% Weighted): IGNOU conducts Term End Examination twice a year in June and December. Candidates can appear in any of the session exams after submission assignments.

How to Calculate IGNOU Percentage?

We have made a complete example and formula to calculate your percentage of each exam conducted by IGNOU. This formula will be the same for the final examination of your selected program.

Obtained Marks A B
Subjects Assignments Theory 30% of Assignments 70% of Theory Total (A+B)
A 60 64 18 44.8 62.8
B 65 56 19.5 39.2 58.7
C 70 59 21 41.3 62.3
D 76 45 22.8 31.5 54.3
E 71 52 21.3 36.4 57.7
Total 295.8
Percentage 59.16%

Grades System for percentage: Students will have to consider the below grading system which is given on the basis of the percentage you get in your examination.

Grade Percentage
A 80% and Above
B 60% to 79.9%
C 50% to 59.9%
D 40% to 49.9%
E Below 40%

The letter grading system is used for grading your assignment marks and theory marks. Following is the list of grades with remarks:

Grade Remarks
A Excellent
B Very Good
C Good
D Satisfactory
E Unsatisfactory

Also Read: IGNOU Convocation 2024

IGNOU Students will have to obtain at least a “D” Grade in both assignments and term-end examinations for qualifying a course. However, the overall average should be at least a “C” grade for the successful completion of a program from IGNOU.

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