How to Study for IGNOU Exam? – Every student has the same question: how to prepare for an upcoming IGNOU examination. Generally, IGNOU conducts term-end examinations twice a year, in June and December. Thousands of students are attending their examinations at every session of the IGNOU TEE. Around 650+ IGNOU Exam Centres are allotted for students to appear in every term end exam session.
If you are a student at IGNOU University and worried about how to pass IGNOU exams, then there is no need to worry because your solution is available here. You can follow our instructions below to get good marks in your upcoming examination.
Steps for Getting Good Marks & Grades in IGNOU Exam
We make a list of useful topics so that you can understand everything in a better manner, so do not skip any topic for good performance in the term-end examination.
Choose the Right Exam Centre
First of all, choose the examination center which is strict and there is no copy case found in that center in the past. IGNOU Exam Center selection also affects your marking in some cases. Do select only the nearest examination center while filling out the exam form because you won’t need to waste your time reaching the center.
The habit of Preparation of Time Table for study
Make a schedule for every subject (day by day). Do not read every subject in one day or at the same time instead of making a daily schedule for each subject so that you can focus on all subjects equally.
Must Read Section in the Books
Read the complete overview of your study materials (block). You just need to read each sentence completely, without any mistakes or skipping any points. There is no need to remember every point, but if you read properly, you will remember everything, which will help you in your exam while you are attending to the questions.
Make a Habit to Solve Assignments
Download IGNOU Assignment of the current year or current semester. Try to solve each and every assignment given in the paper with the help of study materials. (Note: Please do not copy the answer from online references. Just get help from references but write in your own language).
Tips for Additional Marking in IGNOU
The best way to get additional marks is to download IGNOU Previous Year Question Papers. Students can solve 2 to 5 years or semester question papers on their own to get good marks in the upcoming Term End Exam.
How to Write Answer in IGNOU Exams?
Many of the students are asking us what and how many words were needed to write for each question. The simple answer to the question is that the length of the answer depends on the details available for a particular question and the marking of the asked question.
We always advise our students that do not write an essay for each question in their answer script but yes, some of the questions have a requirement of a good length of the answer. Write all your answers point wise which is helpful for the evaluator to read the answer and you may be able to get good marks for good writing. Explain each of the points in a clear manner.
If you follow our given instructions for your study then we are sure that you will get good marks in your upcoming term-end examination which increases your confidence in your study with IGNOU. We also want to inform students that the IGNOU Assignment and Previous Session Question Papers are already available at our IGNOUDigital site for download.